Monday, April 27, 2009

Preemie Walk recap

Just a quick note to let you all know that the 2009 March of Dimes Preemie Walk was a big success!

It was beautiful weather for a walk through NYC with baby-lovers. We were lucky enough to have friends and family (and our puppy!) walking with us for support.

There's nothing like walking through Manhattan with no cars trying to run you over and the sun shining brightly. Nothing.

It sure as hell beat last year's walk, when it was in the 50's and raining all morning. Either way, we raised lots of money for babies and had a great time!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing Tourist : Love Sign

The mister and I had his parents in town this weekend, and so begins our excuse to run around NYC behaving like tourists.

We've always wanted to take a picture in front of Robert Indiana's LOVE sculpture that stands on 6th avenue at 55th street, just a few blocks from the park. Well, we got our chance.

Even though it's such a stereotypical place to take a picture and it's such a touristy thing to do, we had fun sitting amidst the big, red block letters and posing, as if merely the fact that we were taking a picture underneath the word "love" could prove that we were in love. No, it takes a lot more than that. 

But it can't hurt, right?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wedding planning in NYC

For those of you who are at all interested, I thought I'd share this wedding inspiration board I dreamed up. We're deep in the throes of wedding planning on what would be a lavish budget in any city but this one, and I plan to start sharing a bit more of how we're accomplishing an affordable and yet still elegant evening wedding in Manhattan. Stay tuned for more!

Image hosted @

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Preemie Walk: Year Three

As most of you probably don't know, my sister was born at 32 weeks (two whole months premature) and as a result, she spent over a month in the NICU fighting for her life. She's now three and a half years old and perfectly healthy and I participate in the March of Dimes Preemie Walk every year to honor both her fighting spirit and my Mom's bravery. This is my third year doing the walk and I have raised over $2000 in total so far! Please help support me and all of the world's tiniest babies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shoe heaven

Yesterday, my friend Christina and I had the great fortune of stumbling upon one of the best reasons to love living in New York: wholesale shoe showrooms. Let me explain.

So she finds these perfect shoes, but the biggest size they have left is a 5 1/2 and I wear a 7. Damn. I checked on the website, still only tiny ones there, too. I called all three DSW stores in the city and nothing. I finally took to scouring the internet for any reference to "Caparros" shoes and couldn't find the exact pair anywhere, but did find a bare-bones website that vaguely reference their warehouse in L.A., their showroom in N.Y., and the fact that Caparros shoes are sold at Lord & Taylor (which is right around the corner from my apartment). After striking out again at Lord & Taylor, Christina and I decided to venture into the unknown of the shoe showroom.

We had to search to find the building up on 57th street and then were told that the showroom was on the 10th floor by a security guard who definitely didn't believe we belonged there. The elevator opened onto a 10th floor filled with offices of well-known brands and we contemplated turning back because, indeed, it didn't look like we belonged there. But we bravely ventured forth into the Caparros showroom! When we rounded the corner, there it was: a BEAUTIFUL room filled with huge windows and shelves and shelves of beautiful shoes. It was like a more spacious and light-filled version of this:

There were two people inside working, a man in an office and a shoe designer named Mo, who immediately greeted us and seemed puzzled at us being there. As soon as I got through my story, they both beamed and immediately offered to help. The man got to work on the computer trying to find the specific style number and Mo showed us around the showroom and let us look at the newest season's ivory shoes. She was delighted at how much we loved all the shoes in the room and eager to hear our opinions on each of her designs (keep in mind there were about 200 shoes in there!). Soon after, the man came out and told us that DSW would be getting a new shipment of my shoes on June 1st, so I should stalk their website for about two weeks and I would be able to get them! What great news! After we spent about half an hour talking to Mo about her designs, they both wished us well and Mo gave me her card in case I wasn't able to get them in June.

What a great (sort of) accidental discovery and great news!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Porno pickup line

Just had to take a quick moment to share with you my new favorite creepy New York guy pickup line:

I was riding the subway out to Brooklyn this past Sunday morning to work on an independent film I've been shooting for awhile now and since it's been a long time since I've worked on this particular film, I was studying my lines that I had previously learned and forgotten before I had the chance to use them.

My focus was broken by a very average-looking middle-aged man who tried to lure me in with, "You know, the great thing about porn is that there aren't many lines."


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Subway seat chivalry

This morning on an uptown 6 train I was able to get up and give my seat to a very pregnant woman and that, for some reason, made my day.

This was the first time I've ever given up my seat for anyone on the subway (although I did once on the bus) and not because I don't want to. I have a couple of problems with doing it. For one, when I'm riding the subway, it's often early in the morning and I'm barely conscious, much less looking around the train to see who I'm riding with. And two, I struggle with being afraid of offending people who are borderline old enough to need a seat. I sometimes see people in their late fifties or sixties who I think should be sitting down, but whom I think are still active enough to potentially be offended by the implication that they're too "elderly" to stand for a few minutes.

I've seen many a seat given up for someone else, be it an older person, a pregnant lady, someone with a cane, or even sometimes just because a man wants to be chivalrous towards a woman. 

I love seeing it because it's a quick reminder of how good people in this city can be.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A day in the life of an extra

Great article in the Times about what it's like to be an extra: