Last weekend, I was trudging my way along the wide sidewalks of the Upper East Side early on a Saturday morning to get to an audition (I know, Saturday morning? An actor's life is rough sometimes!), when I stumbled upon this scene:
Yes, that is, in fact, a picture of some garbage on the side of the road. Archaeologists study ancient Roman garbage to learn about people they never met. Why can't I, right?
Anyways, what made me giggle was contemplating the kind of wild Friday night that would have led to both broken beer bottles and an empty bottle of parsley flakes finding their way into the gutter together:
"Duuuude, I bet I can chug more parsley than you can!"
"No way, man, let's pour the parsley out the window...."
"If I do it, you have to have another beer riiiiiiiiight nowwwww. Promise?"
Or maybe you have another idea? :)